This is me.
I'm 21. I live in the East Yorkshire town of Hull, and it's not as bad as what others say.
These things always seem silly, there is a lot I could put down that describes me, the fact I'm a vegetarian, that I can sew, knit, cook, make a pair of curtains and turn my hand to any kind of DIY, but that's not all me. When you meet a person, you see one side, the way they act and dress around you may be completely different to how they are with someone else. I'm a chameleon every day, and this is most obvious through what I wear. Basically, what I'm saying is that people aren't just one dimensional, they are whatever they want to be on that particular day. This is the beauty of life, you don't need vast amounts of wealth to be what you want, your personality is all you need, it's others' perceptions that give you the impression you need money, but act the way you want to be, and that is enough.
The most important things in my life right now is my pets, my family, my boyfriend, "Elsie" my Beetle, decorating, gardening, cooking, knitting, photography and my education.
I'm hoping that this blog itself will show the various aspects of myself, literally, what I love, and what makes me who I am.
I hope that this blog is to others what some of my favourite blogs are to me; an escape, a source of inspiration and a bit silly.
