Hey readers!
My thing for february was to spend more quality time with the fiancé. We did manage to have a nice meal out at a cafe once a week, I especially loved Tofts which is a place just down our little avenue that sells great food, I always go for the fish goujon ciabatta, which is basically a posh fish finger sandwich. Calvin usually goes for the steak and cheese ciabatta, equally delicious!
We didn't really get around to having th nice walks, etc, but that will come once the weather gets a lot nicer!
I've now officially started work! I'll get paid monthly, which I was a little annoyed about at first because it'd be nice to have the money weekly. But then again, I'll get a nice chunk at the end of the month! I've already got 24 hours down for this week (twice the amount of my contracted hours!), which is really brilliant as the majority of my shifts are a nice short 4 hours.
For march, the goal is to blog almost every day! Here's hoping I can make it!
In other news, I have a Japanese Speaking Test to get sorted, and I'm feeling pretty grown up and responsible now that I'm taking control of my bills and bringing my own money in.
Here's to march!
Peace and Love
Friday, 1 March 2013
Tuesday, 26 February 2013
Ok, so I love clothes just a little too much!
Hey everyone!
We had a "landlord check" today. Basically, he would come round and check that the house isn't wrecked, etc. So I cleaned for hours and hours; every inch of the house had been hoovered, polished and disinfected. I also went through all my clothes and had a bit of a clear out! I ended up missing a meeting about being a student ambassador, and a lecture on Chinese Characters (which I was really looking forward to) and then they cancelled!
When I was doing this, going through all the clean washing (from my mum's! We still don't have our own washing machine!) and hanging them up in the wardrobe, I realised "Gawd...I have a lot of clothes!"(and I really need a system of organising/wearing!).
I love the concept of capsule wardrobes. The perfect shoes, a wearable skirt, several tops and smart blazers/cardigans. The thought of having a wardrobe like this makes me feel a little more grown up; everything neat and in it's place. A girl can dream!
Anyway, despite realising, and coming to terms, with the fact that I have way too much clothes (plenty of which don't fit, are worn out, I don't like anymore), I've decided to show you a few of my favourite things from the New Collection at White Stuff. I blogged about the brand before, here.
We had a "landlord check" today. Basically, he would come round and check that the house isn't wrecked, etc. So I cleaned for hours and hours; every inch of the house had been hoovered, polished and disinfected. I also went through all my clothes and had a bit of a clear out! I ended up missing a meeting about being a student ambassador, and a lecture on Chinese Characters (which I was really looking forward to) and then they cancelled!
When I was doing this, going through all the clean washing (from my mum's! We still don't have our own washing machine!) and hanging them up in the wardrobe, I realised "Gawd...I have a lot of clothes!"(and I really need a system of organising/wearing!).
I love the concept of capsule wardrobes. The perfect shoes, a wearable skirt, several tops and smart blazers/cardigans. The thought of having a wardrobe like this makes me feel a little more grown up; everything neat and in it's place. A girl can dream!
Anyway, despite realising, and coming to terms, with the fact that I have way too much clothes (plenty of which don't fit, are worn out, I don't like anymore), I've decided to show you a few of my favourite things from the New Collection at White Stuff. I blogged about the brand before, here.
The much coveted Cat Dress! I love the fabric and style, what a great shape! Here.
I love the postal theme of this fabric. Here.
And as a skirt! Here.
I think this top is a must! I see so many possibilities! Here.
And the postal print in a different colourway, and as a top! Love this too! Here.
It's a tough choice between Laura Ashley and White Stuff!
Peace and Love
Thursday, 21 February 2013
Laura Ashley Uniform
Hey lovelies!
I go in for training at Laura Ashley a week tomorrow and I can't wait! I start on the sunday after that, just too exciting!
One of the best benefits that I know about so far is that you get a uniform allowance every 3 months as well as 65% off all fashion and 30-40% off everything else. I love their fashion department, they've gotten a little younger with their audience recently, it was mentioned in the interview that they are aiming at the 30+ professional, but some of their stuff is really quite modern and young, depending on how you style it.
There are some really lovely things, and I always covet their summer dresses, just too beautiful!
These are the things I'll be having a look at especially, a lot is in their sales and so don't have their full ranges of sizes available (up to a UK 20; hence their trousers don't fit me >_<).

Super smart and chic black shirt dress (Was £75.00 Now £56.25) looks so easy to style! And the equally smart waterfall cardigan (Was £65 Now £48.75). I love this style, really flattering and comfortable to wear.

I love this combo together, the gorgeous dress (Was £95.00! Now £21.75) is currently only available in a UK14, but I'm hoping that they have one in stock in store! This cardigan would go so nicely with it (Was £65.00 Now £48.75)!

Block colours and stripes? Yes please! I like to wear shirts like this under high waisted skirts, especially if its for a smart occasion (Was £50.00 Now £37.50). This dress is so cute, I love the fabric, but the shades of coral are just a little off for me, nice all the same (Was £80.00 Now £60.00).

I love my graphic prints, and this is just too perfect! I love the styling with blue leggings and smart shoes. Will be almost definitely getting this! (Was £65.00 Now £48.75). A nice monochrome striped boat neck, a good staple, I thinks! (Was £60.00 Now £45.00).
Some gorgeous lovely work stuff, yes? I'm especially in love with the chevron shirt dress, the black shirt dress, the striped top dress and the cute matching polka dot cardigan. Cannot wait to start!
Peace and Love!
Wednesday, 20 February 2013
A Goal For Every Month - Update
Hey my pear drops!
This year, instead of having a year long goal to keep to, I've decided to follow small goals each month.
In January, my aim was to get my finances in order. I'm still slugging it out to get there, with the help of the Citizens Advice Bureau. But it will happen! I've now got a job, just 12 hours a week, but awesome nonetheless! The extra money will really help.
In February, the goal is to Spend Quality Time together. We've been really busy the last few weeks, but we've made sure that we've had lunch together every week and that we sit and watch a film together on the weekend too. Next sunday we'll be going to a wedding fayre in Hull and making a few little plans, hopefully! The same weekend we'll also be going for a meal with Calvin's family as it's his sister's birthday. Can't wait for that!
In March, my goal is to Blog almost every day! Eep! I expect I may do a few scheduled posts over those busy days!
Peace and Love!
This year, instead of having a year long goal to keep to, I've decided to follow small goals each month.
In January, my aim was to get my finances in order. I'm still slugging it out to get there, with the help of the Citizens Advice Bureau. But it will happen! I've now got a job, just 12 hours a week, but awesome nonetheless! The extra money will really help.
In February, the goal is to Spend Quality Time together. We've been really busy the last few weeks, but we've made sure that we've had lunch together every week and that we sit and watch a film together on the weekend too. Next sunday we'll be going to a wedding fayre in Hull and making a few little plans, hopefully! The same weekend we'll also be going for a meal with Calvin's family as it's his sister's birthday. Can't wait for that!
In March, my goal is to Blog almost every day! Eep! I expect I may do a few scheduled posts over those busy days!
Peace and Love!
Tuesday, 19 February 2013
How to be a Fat Bitch 2
Hey twinkle toes!
I'm really love this e-course that Rachele at The Nearsighted Owl. It's so empowering and eye opening! I am not a lesser human because I'm fat, I can go and enjoy days by the beach in anything I choose to wear. I don't have to wear tights because I should be ashamed of my legs and huge calves. I shouldn't feel self conscious and wrong to eat a big cream cake in public (I did this recently, huge hot chocolate with lots of whipped cream, and shared a lovely big cream and jam scone with my mum!).
This week's FAT-ASS-IGNMENT (brilliant!) is to reclaim the word fat. Make it into an empowering word, recognise whether you are fat and love it!
What I will be doing this week is completing my contribution for Jess's Body Riot Zine which will be all about fat bellies (and what they're good for; LITTLE SPOILER, everything!)
I now no longer consider FAT to be a bad word. As Rachele says, it describes me completely, it's empowering. I refuse to let it be a word which connotes shame and self-hatred. I am FAT and that's not just OK, but brilliant. I have nothing to excuse myself for or change. Everything about my body is fab, my thighs, my calfs, my tummy, my butt, my face, everything. And I decide that on my own grounds, not on what I'm told.
I Am Fat but and I can....
....ride a bike
....be successful in my career
....be a good person
....eat what I like
....receive and give love on all levels
....be funny!
....wear what I like and look awesome
....eat food
....be creative
....have a valid opinion
....be kind to others
....have control
....be a good wife
....be an even better (future) parent
....demand and give respect
....be beautiful and know it
....be adventurous
....be inspiring
....be in control of my own self image
....be anything I want
Peace and Love!
Monday, 18 February 2013
Update and How To Be A Fat Bitch 1
Hello my sugar doughnuts!
I am so sorry for the unexpected interruption! A few weeks ago my macbook gave up the ghost and I had to get it in to repair (it's winging its way back to me as we speak!).
This now leads to the inevitable update! So, recently I had a very scary cancer scare, I got booked into the clinic and got it seen too, all the tests came back negative and what a relief that was! I'll bring a post about that soon. I've also been making headway with the wedding plans, I've seen the dress I want and I think we may have decided on the venue, as well as the date!
Currently, I'm sat waiting by the phone to hear about an interview I had today (how sweet that they said they'd get back to me on the same day!). It's a part time sales position at the much loved Laura Ashley and I really hope I get it! I got it!
Now, for the main part of today's post. FAT activism! Yayyy!
As you will all probably know, I'm on a journey to self-love, learning how to know that I am Awesome AND Fat, (not despite). The very sweet Rachele over at The Nearsighted Owl has started a much appreciated E-Course on How to be a Fat Bitch. It's a year long course delivered through her blog, including brilliant videos of her inspirational words and little assignments each week!
This week, we are tasked with coming up with 5 things to do which make us happy.
1. Go to my first open mic night (just to be in the audience!)
2. Cook with an ingredient I haven't tried before.
3. Have a lovely dinner with my fiance's family for his sister's 30th!
4. Write a post dedicated to our wedding plans, complete indulgence!
5. Attend the wedding fayre this sunday.
We were also asked to discuss a few things;
How do you deal with people that make assumptions about you based on being fat?
Is the best revenge to live well and be happy?
How do you feel about the concept of there being a "good fatty" and a "bad fatty" perceived in society?
Firstly, I used to have this constant nagging feeling that I had to justify myself as a person because I was Fat. "Honestly, I'm a good person even though I'm fat". How awful is that? These were my own assumptions of what people were thinking. Other than in secondary and primary, I've had no abuse directed to me on the basis of my size. Of course, having years of bullying from the age of 4 -16 was enough! But I'm luckily enough to have never been harassed (knowingly) in a public place, and even more thankfully, in the security of my own home.
Therefore, I think that the assumptions I have of what other people think of me are based on the insecurities that I've held due to being manipulated and brainwashed by the media. Like, people who are fat are lazy (you can't do sport if you're fat!) and you must really eat bad!
Realising that these assumptions are simply not true, and that I can live my life how I choose, eat what I like and not feel guilty, be happy in my own skin, is really inspiring and freeing. I'm not after revenge, I want to teach and inspire, those who treated me badly were just as involved and influenced by the media as I was.
I certainly think that one fat person over another can be perceived differently by society as a whole. That fattie who is openly stating how unhappy they are with themselves and are actively losing weight (either through military exercise or drastic surgery) is clearly the better person! At least they're doing something about their situation. And the "bad" fattie who unashamedly dons a bikini and shouts a big FU to the world is a delusional heart attack waiting to happen. CLEARLY!
Nothing wrong with weight loss, done sensibly, in order to alleviate unwanted health symptoms. But clearly there is something wrong with somebody wanting to lose weight in order to make themselves a better person (thinly veiled in a "I just want to feel better about myself", which is more likely to be a "I feel bad about myself cause I'm not supposed to be fat").
Life is all about choices, and having the freedom to make those choices based purely on what I want for myself, and in my best interests. Tonight, I ate a big curry with prawns and veg, while drinking Fanta and a half eaten chocolate bar beside me. But tomorrow, I might decide to eat a salad with a tuna steak and drink water all day. I might walk to uni, or I might drive. These are my choices, they're ultimate outcome effects me and me alone and thats my burden to bear.
Peace and Love!
Tuesday, 29 January 2013
Student Buys
Hey Everyone!
Well, I've been having loads of fun selling my old shop stock on eBay! So thank you very much to everyone who has bought something! There's a few things left if you want to grab a bargain!
I must admit, with these new funds and the student loans I've splashed out a little and bought myself a few necessities (ahem!).
Well, I've been having loads of fun selling my old shop stock on eBay! So thank you very much to everyone who has bought something! There's a few things left if you want to grab a bargain!
I must admit, with these new funds and the student loans I've splashed out a little and bought myself a few necessities (ahem!).
student buys by rebekah-emily-mary-langton
So, I got the Iron Fist Tank Girl Jacket from eBay (egg n chips clothing) for £25 (until it went back up to £45!). I love it, it's a little short and doesn't have a hood, but I love the thick stretchy warm material and the zip pockets and the cool design on the back.
The owl sweater was from New Look and is pretty awesome. I'd been checking it out for quite a while and kept going back to it. I love the 3 quarter sleeves and that the design is exactly the same on the back.
The trainers actually arrived today. They're vans and I got them from schuh during their sale. £24.99 with free delivery and an extra 10% off with "WELCOME10"! I love them, super cute and a pink sole!
My totoro t-shirt finally arrived on monday! I bought it from the awesome site that is qwertee.com. They are UK based and sell a different t-shirt design each day. They cost £8 (plus £2.50 delivery!) and you never know what design will be next! You can vote for your faviourite to be printed!
The fingerless gloves are from Too Fast and I ordered them from the US site as it made it a little cheaper, plus I ordered a lucky accessory for $8, which could be anything! Exciting (:
That's my spending well and truly done!
I've ordered more tights though, including UK 8-14, 20-26 and 28-32 :)
Peace and Love
So, I got the Iron Fist Tank Girl Jacket from eBay (egg n chips clothing) for £25 (until it went back up to £45!). I love it, it's a little short and doesn't have a hood, but I love the thick stretchy warm material and the zip pockets and the cool design on the back.
The owl sweater was from New Look and is pretty awesome. I'd been checking it out for quite a while and kept going back to it. I love the 3 quarter sleeves and that the design is exactly the same on the back.
The trainers actually arrived today. They're vans and I got them from schuh during their sale. £24.99 with free delivery and an extra 10% off with "WELCOME10"! I love them, super cute and a pink sole!
My totoro t-shirt finally arrived on monday! I bought it from the awesome site that is qwertee.com. They are UK based and sell a different t-shirt design each day. They cost £8 (plus £2.50 delivery!) and you never know what design will be next! You can vote for your faviourite to be printed!
The fingerless gloves are from Too Fast and I ordered them from the US site as it made it a little cheaper, plus I ordered a lucky accessory for $8, which could be anything! Exciting (:
That's my spending well and truly done!
I've ordered more tights though, including UK 8-14, 20-26 and 28-32 :)
Peace and Love
fat acceptance,
Thursday, 24 January 2013
Plus Size Amazing Tights
Well, I received my wholesale order of tights today (and my little order from RJB!)! I must admit, I'm very tempted to keep a pair of each style!
I have 5 varieties available; Comic Book, Candy Hearts, White Leopard, Knitted Leopard Ombre and Galaxy! Ranging from £5.99 to £7.99, FREE UK POSTAGE, but I will ship worldwide too :)
All are a UK 20-26. I'm a 20 and I find that they're really stretchy! The material is super soft and strong; I don't feel like I'm going to make them ladder if I pull them a bit too hard. The print is also really good too, not like some were they aren't part of them material, these are really good quality and so awesome too ^_^
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Knitted Leopard Ombre £5.99 |
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Candy Hearts £7.99 |
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Comic Book £7.99 |
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White Leopard £7.99 |
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Galaxy £7.99 |
All orders will be posted first class and all payments made through paypal (all nice and secure!).
If you'd like to order any, just email me at remlangton@hotmail.com and I'll get them out to you ASAP!
Peace and Love!
P.S. My supplier also have other styles, designs, colours, sizes, a huge range!
body positivity,
Sunday, 20 January 2013
Kitty Dress
So, what with the success of my eBay auctions (So nice to be finally selling my stock!) I decided to treat myself to something that I've had my eyes on for ages!
Alienskin is the brand, they're an awesome little fashion house based in York and they sell handmade clothes for goths, hippies and kawaii lovers! They're awesome, and I've been looking at buying from them for quite a while, I was just a little off put by having to provide measurements, worrying that they wouldn't fit!
I ordered two things as I couldn't decide which I liked better!
The first is the Kitty Dress, here are some pictures from their site ^_^ absolutely loving the ears, the pretty shape of the dress, and the humongous hood!
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Size 6-14 £36, Size 16-24 £40 and Size 26-30 £44 |
How cute! I can imagine wearing this with the new tights I'm getting, jeans, long sleeved tops underneath, as a really cool summer dress. Love it!
I got mine with purple fun fur ears and purple stitching.
The second one I got is the Malice in Wonderland Top, currently with 20% off!
It is designed to be worn as a dress or a top and so is as versatile as the kitty dress! I love the striped sleeves in black and white so decided to go with that, with purple overlocking and stitch detail. It's also completely reversible! And has a scoop neck so it can be worn off the shoulder!
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Size 6-14 Was £36 Now £28.80, Size 16-24 Was £40 Now £32 |
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Size 26-30 Was £44 Now £35.20 |
What do you guys think? I'm starting to really tap into my alternative style, much as when I was younger, I've even bought some purple mega flared cords!
Can't wait to receive these in the post! They take about 2 weeks cause of the fact they hand make each one to your own measurements, gonna be excruciating having to wait!
Peace and Love
Friday, 18 January 2013
A little thought on decorating
As it gets closer to student loan pay day (!) I'm starting to think seriously about how this money will be spent.
As you will probably all know, I live with my lovely fiancé, Calvin, who works full time as a care worker with disabled people and he does the odd couple of nights of palliative care (i.e. caring for people in the last few weeks of their life). So, we get by mostly on his wages.
That means, that when student loan day comes around (every 3 months during University time) it's spent on things we've needed and not had the chance or bother to save up for. Here I am going to share a few of the little things that we will be getting :)
We moved into our little house back at the end of november, a week before my 21st, and have been slowly doing it up. We already had our sofas, telly, etc and we got a few other things such as a desk, book case, fridge/freezer, lamps, etc from our parents. For christmas we got an awesome little bedroom set, not vintage at all, but it's nice (all black gloss and walnut "wood").
We've been telling ourselves that we will get a coffee table, a rug, shelving, a vanity table, another chest of drawers and a little telephone table as soon as we have the money to, so that's what I'll be looking for over the next few weeks. All thrifted/eBay'd or at least very cheap (but good quality!)
These are a few of the things I've had my eye on though!
Living Room
I love how practical this is. We don't have much space in our living room due to one wall being completely open to the kitchen and the others being taken up by huge ass comfy sofas! So I love the idea of being able to store two smaller tables under the coffee table. I've also been looking at shorter legged coffee tables with a little shelf and drawers. Let's be fair, the living room has most of my stuff in it, including books, magazines, craft stuff, etc.
Which one?! (My walls are a pastel sage green kinda colour and my sofas are a fawn) Ohhh, they are so gorgeous! I'm thinking bigger is better, but I don't know?
I'm also trying to work out what colour to paint the bedroom. I'm thinking I want to paint all of the walls, rather than just one, but I don't know. And I don't have a clue what colour! Can't really be too girly though :/ Hmm! I was thinking some sort of blue? Argh! I hate deciding!
I love the mega strong mustard colour here against the blue. Maybe I could do something like this?
Or a colour like this one on wall? It's so luxurious against the utilitarian flooring and bed frame.
This is quite nice, fresh, strong but not overpowering.
Decisions, decisions!
Peace and Love
home interior,
living room,
Wednesday, 16 January 2013
Plus Sized Tights
For forever I've been searching for the perfect tights, finding some nice ones in Marks and Spencers that do fit and have some funky patterns, and of course the quality associated with M&S. But they're never really funky enough, y'know?
Well, recently I came across a supplier that sells AMAZING PLUS SIZED tights, really funky patterns and a great range in sizes. We're talking UK sizes 8 - 32!
I've ordered a couple of designs wholesale and will be selling them on my eBay a little below RRP. They're all UK Size 20 - 26, I'm an 18/20 so I'm hoping these won't be too baggy, (that'll be an experience, baggy tights on a fattie?!).
I thought I'd share these with you and then let you know when they arrive. So excited to get these!
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Comic Book! £7.99 |
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Cute Pink Candy Hearts £7.99 |
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Knitted Leopard Print Ombre £5.99 |
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Small Leopard Print £7.99 |
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Galaxy Print £7.99 |
Which ones are your favourites? If I get enough demand I'll expand into the other size ranges (8-14, 16-18 and 28-32).
Peace and Love!
Tuesday, 15 January 2013
Rebellious Fat Girls II - Goth Cutie
I think for a lot of my teenage years I associated myself with the Goth scene (think Type O Negative/Neil Gaiman's Death-esque), and still do to a degree today (I will always have a soft spot for skulls, bones and platform mary janes!).
I must admit, many of the things I'm showing you here are my all time favourite styles/things and I really want them!
Firstly, no Goth cutie can be without a skeleton dress and Kreepsville 666 must do the best around. This is their silver foil version which is really cute! I'd love this dress, but alas, Kreepsville are yet to do anything bigger than a UK 14 (although they have a few chubby cuties working for them, as seen at The Alt Trade Fair "The Edge") which is seriously disappointing! I know tonnes of ladies who would wear their clothes!
Secondly, black and grey striped tights, a little nod back to Wednesday of The Addams Family <3
The shoes are a must for anyone wanting to emulate the "goth cutie" look. These particular ones are from a company called Demonia who do make fantastic looking goth boots, I've just never had the chance to buy any of my own due to being worried about calf fittings. But maybe I'll invest in some of the shoes?
The necklace and the hair chopsticks (what are these called?!) are both from Kreepsville as well. I seriously love statement necklaces like this! I think I will get this once my loans come through. It'll make my usual clothes a bit edgier and goth without having to buy any new clothes (ha, as if I won't!).
And the bag is from Too Fast Online. Too Fast is another faviourite brand. I first saw them last February when I headed to The Edge in London to find suppliers for my shop (it's an amazing day out for anyone! Even though you can't really buy anything from most of the stalls). They do super cute swimwear and winter gloves! Like really cute, we're talking day of the dead skeleton pandas! Their shoes are AMAZING (they also have ones with bone heels)!
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I love this Kreepsville cutie's style! |
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These are my all time favourite Demonia Boots! |
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I would wear this everyday! |
Peace and Love!
P.S. Check out my eBay! I'm posting new things every day, all new and all cheap!
Rebellious Fat Girls,
Monday, 14 January 2013
Rebellious Fat Girls I - Denim Shorts
I think it would be a cold day in Hell if I ever heard anyone say that they never felt like they couldn't wear what they wanted 'cause they were too big, or too short, or too tall!
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CartoonFatshion |
So, I heard a little about this thing about wearing what you like? Peculiar concept, huh?! I've always sorta dressed how I wanted within reason. I used to read about how bootcut jeans were best for pear shapes, or how accentuating your shoulders would even out your hips. But really, it's just media/fashion trying to sell clothes, tricking us chubsters into thinking the latest shaper jeans would make us the next "insert slim celebrity name" and we would go out buying them in our wobbly troves.
But really, whatever size you are, the clothes don't matter, it's the confidence, sense of style, personality, and the smile (or the mysterious far-away look).
In light of this, I thought I'd share a few of my faviourite looks that "I'd really love to wear if I were thinner", but will actually invest now I've realised I don't, and should never, give the proverbial.
Firstly, short denim shorts, cool tights, pair of docs, and a fun shirt. I love the look of denim shorts and tights. I used to wear them now and again when I was feeling confident, cutting my fat jeans up that had gone a bit tatty.
You would not believe how difficult it was to find a big girl in denim shorts that wasn't porn/being ridiculed for "thinspo" (god awful!) or of actually slim/skinny girls! I managed to come across this total cutie!
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Nicole from The Cute Fat Chick |
Ha. OMG. Those Doc Martens. I think I'm gonna google how to do that and do it to my old pair. How gorgeous!
So, I'd probably wear this kind of outfit to any sort of day-day event, like going to uni, shops, town, when it's a bit warmer.
I'm gonna keep my eyes out for a funky pair of denim shorts to fit my fat ass and thighs, the perfect KISS t-shirt (or maybe The Darkness; Justin Hawkins is such a sexy lil thing!) and a fun cat ear headband! I associate these way too much with my teenage years of being a bit of a cosplay weirdo, and running about as a cat :/ But these are a bit more socially acceptable :) I think I gotta!
Also, those tights. Well! I love my funky tights and have been looking on and off for a while. I have Pamela Mann as a wholesaler from when I had my shop, but never knew they did plus size tights! We're talking about tights up to a UK size 32! How amazing is that! And! They're having a 3 for 2 sale, so I'm gonna be all over that once my loan comes through :D Lots of fun styles to choose from, probably bring you a little choice update when I make my order.
Peace and Love
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